Dear sweeties
I'm here to talk about something really important. Last night, when I was just about to go to sleep, I talked a bit with my mom and the family next to me's dog began to bark. The first thought that went through my mind was "make that dog shut up!". At first they said "hush" to the dog, but it quickly began to bark again.
I could hear they came out of the door and went into the garden and suddenly the dog began to houl. I hate when they houl, it makes me wanna cry.
Then my mom said "They probably hitted the dog again," I litteraly got a shock, when she said that, so I asked "do they hit their dog!?" and she said "yes, they used to throw tennisballs at their old dog" I am so mad right now. I can't even describe what I am feeling right now. How can you do that to your dog? It might be an animal, but they have feelings too? How can people treat an animal like that? I seriously don't get it. How is that fair in any way?
The dog can get hurted just like we human beings can and I KNOW, that they would never treat a person like that. It's like when you are hitting your child, you make it okay for the child to hit other people and it is NOT okay. It is never okay to be violent to another person, nomather what had happend or what the other person did/do. Violence is never the answer.
I got tears in my eyes, when I found out about this.
I therefor ask all of you to treat your animals rightly. Don't push them, hit them, kick them or do anything that you wouldn't do to another person okay? Thank you!
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