lørdag den 21. juli 2012

Dear sweeties!

I feel choked up whenever I see this video or just listen to the song. I DARE you to hear it without getting wet eyes! I don't care if you are one of those cold, no emotions people. You will cry by the end of this song!

The story behind the song:
For about two years or so, I believe, Caitlin feel off jet-skiing. It was a terrible accident and she actully died in the way to the hospitel. She had a lot of injurys the following weeks and months. She sat in a wheelchair. I once read a rumor that she was being told, that she wouldn't be able to walk ever again, but I think that's just a rumor. Anywayz, it's awfull what happend to her. She is now stronger than ever, but I still beg you to pray for her at times.


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