mandag den 30. juli 2012

10 great ways to save up money

©     Always look for sales. Sales are better than buying stuffs at full price.
©     When something is in style, look for copies of it. You can save many dollars on it.
©     Always think “do I need that”
©     Basic clothing is the best. Always
©     Buy your things in H&M, Target and other cheaper stores. You can save money and some of the things are actually great.
©     If you are one of them who can’t walk by a window without going into the store. Look the other way.
©     Make a bank account with all your savings. It’s boring to stand in a bank and waiting to get your money.
©     Don’t use credit cards. It might be easier, but you’ll by a lot more things when you have one.
©     Borrow clothing from your friends. You’re best friend might just have the right dress for you to a party
©     Don't throw your old clothing out, unless you can't fit it or it's broken. You can always use your old clothes for something.


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